StartApplicationsSee images from your past life

See images from your past life


Welcome to our exploration of past life visualization, a captivating and enlightening practice that invites you to explore your past existences in detail. In this article, we will take you through this fascinating journey and share valuable information about using the “Reveal Images of Your Past Life” technique to access past memories and gain transformative insights.

What Is Past Life Visualization?

Past Life Visualization is a powerful technique that offers the opportunity to access memories and experiences from previous incarnations. This practice is based on the belief that souls reincarnate and bring with them the memories of their past lives. By using the technique “See images from your past life,” it is possible to explore these memories and extract lessons from past lives.


Past Life

The “Past Life” app is an incredible tool that offers the experience of exploring past lives in a convenient and accessible way. This application allows users to delve deeper into their past lives through visualization techniques and guided hypnosis, all in the palm of their hands.


Past Life App Features:

  1. Guided View: The app offers guided visualization sessions that help users get into a suitable state of mind to access their past lives. With step-by-step instructions, the experience is easy to follow, even for beginners.
  2. Experience Library: “Past Life” has a vast library of different settings and eras to explore. You can choose the era, location and context that interests you most, making each session unique and engaging.
  3. Detailed Reports: After each session, the application provides detailed reports on the experiences. This helps users record their findings and insights for future reference.
  4. Social Sharing: Users have the option to share their experiences and insights with friends on social media. This creates a community of past life regression enthusiasts who can exchange stories and tips.
  5. Safety and Guidance: The app emphasizes the importance of safety during sessions. It offers features to stop or exit the session at any time, ensuring users feel comfortable while practicing.
  6. Access Anywhere: “Past Life” is available on mobile devices, which means you can access it anywhere and at any time, making it a convenient tool for self-exploration.

How to Use the Past Life App:

  1. Download the app from your device's app store.
  2. Create an account and follow the instructions to set your preferences.
  3. Choose a past life viewing session from the app's library.
  4. Find a quiet, comfortable place to hold the session.
  5. Follow the app's instructions to enter a state of deep relaxation.
  6. Let yourself be carried away by the experience and observe the images and memories that emerge.
  7. At the end of the session, take advantage of the reports and record your findings.

The “Past Life” app offers a unique and captivating way to explore your past lives, gain self-knowledge and better understand your spiritual journey. Remember that regular practice and reflection are essential to get the most benefit from this experience. Try the app and delve into your past lives to discover the secrets of your past self.


In short, the “Past Life” app provides an accessible and engaging way to investigate past lives, resulting in self-knowledge and spiritual insights. Its ease of use and guidance make it a valuable tool for those seeking a journey of self-discovery. Download the app and explore the depths of your past to achieve a deeper understanding of the present.
