StartTechnologyHow to Add Desktop Reminders

How to Add Desktop Reminders


We live in a digital age full of information and tasks to be performed. Sometimes information overload can lead us to forget important appointments and urgent tasks. Fortunately, technology also offers solutions to help us deal with this situation. An effective way to ensure we don't forget our appointments is to add reminders to our desktop. In this article, we will explore various ways to do this on different operating systems.

Desktop Reminders in Windows

The Windows operating system offers several ways to add reminders to your desktop. One of the simplest ways is using the “Sticky Notes” application. Follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Application: Type “Sticky Notes” in the Start menu search bar and open the app.
  2. Create a New Reminder: Click the plus (+) button in the bottom-right corner of the window to create a new reminder.
  3. Enter Content: Enter your reminder text. You can format the text according to your preferences.
  4. Pin to Desktop: Click the three-dot icon in the top right corner of the reminder and select “Pin to Desktop”. The reminder will be visible even when you minimize all windows.

Desktop Reminders on macOS

macOS users also have convenient options for adding reminders to their desktop. The “Stickies” app is a useful tool for this purpose:

  1. Access the Application: Use the Spotlight search bar (shortcut: Command + Spacebar) and type “Stickies”. Open the application.
  2. Create a New Reminder: Click “File” in the menu bar and choose “New Note.” A new note will appear on your desktop.
  3. Enter Content: Type the reminder in the note. You can customize the font, size and color of the text.
  4. Keep on Desktop: Minimize the note and it will be automatically saved. It will remain on the desktop even when you close other windows.

Desktop Reminders on Linux Distributions

On Linux systems, you can leverage desktop widgets and note-taking apps to add visible reminders:

  1. Use Widgets: Many Linux distributions support desktop widgets, such as KDE Plasma. Add a notes widget to your desktop and enter reminders as needed.
  2. Note-taking Apps: Use apps like “Tomboy” or “Gnote” to create notes and reminders that can be kept visible on your desktop.


Adding reminders to your desktop is an effective way to ensure you don't miss important appointments or urgent tasks. Regardless of the operating system you're using, there are tools available to help you create visible reminders on your desktop. By taking advantage of these tools, you can increase your productivity and avoid unwanted forgetfulness. So start using reminders on your desktop and enjoy the benefits of improved organization.
