StartTechnologySee how to consult and pay for licensing

See how to consult and pay for licensing


Vehicle licensing is an essential process to maintain the regularity and legality of a car in circulation. It consists of issuing a mandatory document, known as the Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate (CRLV), which certifies that the vehicle is able to circulate on public roads, after paying the fees and carrying out necessary inspections. In this article, we will cover step by step how to consult and pay for licensing in a clear and objective way.

Find out how to check licensing

1. Checking Licensing

Before paying for the license, it is essential to carry out a consultation to check the values and current status of the vehicle. Generally, this query can be made through the website of the State Department of Traffic (Detran) in your state. Follow the steps below:

  1. Access your state's Detran website.
  2. Search for the “Licensing” or “Vehicle Consultation” option.
  3. Fill in the mandatory fields, such as the Renavam number (National Registry of Motor Vehicles) and the vehicle's license plate.
  4. Validate the information and click “Consult”.

After this step, you will have access to details about your vehicle's licensing, including the amount to be paid and the current situation.

2. Licensing Payment

With the consultation information in hand, you will be ready to pay for the licensing. Generally, there are different options for making this payment, the most common being:


2.1. Online Payment

Many Detrans offer the online payment option, through their digital platforms. To pay for licensing online, follow these steps:

  1. Access your state's Detran website.
  2. Search for the “Licensing” or “Online Payment” option.
  3. Enter the requested data, which may include the Renavam number and vehicle license plate.
  4. Choose the payment method, which can be by bank slip, credit or debit card.
  5. Confirm the details and make the payment.

2.2. In-person Payment

If you prefer to make the payment in person, you can go to one of the Detran service points or authorized institutions. Remember to bring the necessary documents, such as ID, CPF, proof of residence and Renavam number.


3. Receiving the CRLV

After confirming the licensing payment, the next step is to wait for the CRLV to be issued. This document can be sent by mail to the address registered with Detran or be available for collection at one of the service points. Check your state's Detran guidelines to find out how to proceed in this case.

Final considerations

Vehicle licensing is a bureaucratic process, but it is essential for traffic safety and regularity. By following the steps above and informing yourself about the deadlines and prices, you guarantee that your vehicle will be properly licensed and in compliance with current legislation. Remember to pay attention to due dates to avoid unnecessary fines and inconvenience.
